You would need ZINC_FIRST_ADMIN_USER and ZINC_FIRST_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variables when you start ZincSearch for the first time. You don't need them on subsequent runs of ZincSearch.
Binaries can be downloaded from releases page for appropriate platform.
mkdir data
Now point your browser to http://localhost:4080 and login
In your terminal:
brew tap zinclabs/tap
brew install zinclabs/tap/zincsearch
mkdir data
Now point your browser to http://localhost:4080 and login
Binaries can be downloaded from releases page for appropriate platform.
Create a data folder that will store the data
mkdir data
ZINC_FIRST_ADMIN_USER=admin ZINC_FIRST_ADMIN_PASSWORD=Complexpass#123 ./zincsearch
Now point your browser to http://localhost:4080 and login
Docker images are available at
mkdir data
docker run -v /full/path/of/data:/data -e ZINC_DATA_PATH="/data" -p 4080:4080 \
--name zincsearch
Now point your browser to http://localhost:4080 and login
Getting Error?
Error - 1 : If you have AWS CLI installed and get login error then run below command:
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Error - 2 : If you get error around permission denied when running docker command then you may want to fix permissions of data folder. zincsearch executable in docker runs as non-root and would need permissions to write to data folder. You can run below command to fix it:
chmod a+rwx ./data
Create a namespace:
kubectl create ns zincsearch
Create the deployment and port forward:
kubectl apply -f
Expose the ZincSearch service by port-forwarding:
kubectl -n zincsearch port-forward svc/z 4080:4080
Now point your browser to http://localhost:4080 and login
Update Helm values located in values.yaml
Create the namespace:
kubectl create ns zincsearch
Install the chart:
helm install zincsearch helm/zincsearch -n zincsearch
ZincSearch can be made available with an ingress or port-forward:
kubectl -n zincsearch port-forward svc/zincsearch 4080:4080
Now point your browser to http://localhost:4080 and login
You can use Juju to deploy ZincSearch on any CNCF-conformant Kubnernetes.
To get started, ensure that you have bootstrapped Juju on Kubernetes. You can find how-to guides for various Kubernetes platforms in the Juju docs (MicroK8s / EKS / AKS / GKE).
Create a new model:
juju add-model zinc
Deploy the charm:
juju deploy --trust zinc-k8s
Check the status - wait until charm shows active/idle
juju status --watch 1s --color
Fetch the auto-generated login password:
juju run-action --wait zinc-k8s/0 get-admin-password
If you're deployed on MicroK8s, you can use the address shown in juju status
to reach ZincSearch directly. For other Kubernetes platforms, you can access ZincSearch using a port-forward:
kubectl -n zincsearch port-forward svc/zinc-k8s 4080:4080
Point your browser to http://localhost:4080 and login!
Now ZincSearch is deployed, you can also deploy the Canonical Observability Stack and create relations to ZincSearch to enable automatic scraping with Prometheus, and Grafana dashboard integration.